Edited by CHIQIO

Keywords: fragrance, perfume, ingredients, eau de parfum

For centuries, fragrance has been an influential domination of the beauty world. It is proven to be able to enhance our mood, fruition emotions, and add an appealing dash of confidence. Everyone needs a signature scent! What makes anyone hard to forget and easy to remember is how they smell. We want this seductive intensive aroma on us all day long, but sometimes certain factors cause it to wear off. Once you implement these simple everyday hacks, you will never have to worry about your scent being lost again! Let’s break it down :

  1. Moisturize

The key to holding a scent is locking it in ! Moisturizing lotions and body oils will do the trick. Body oils and lotions have a consistency that locks scents way longer than on dry skin which will wipe away easily. It’s a plus if your body lotion or oil matches the scent of your perfume! It’s important to also moisturize as soon as you get out of the shower to lock that moisture right away with the water, THEN spray away!

  1. Look for ingredients

When in search of  a perfume , look for these key ingredients to turn from just a customer to a fragrance expert. Fragrances with oils especially Jojoba Ambergris, and Sweet Almond help the scent last longer and stay potent. This is because the scientific properties of these oils have a slower evaporation rate making them stick all day!

  1.  Pulse points

Pulse points are areas on your body where major arteries run closest to the skin’s surface. This causes these areas to be warmer than other areas making fragrances penetrate better creating long lasting smell!

  1.  Vaseline or Aquaphor

Since we know now that moisture is a big part of creating a long lasting scent, taking Vaseline or Aquaphor and applying it to your pulse points enhances and intensifies this hack times 10 ! Petroleum ( which is the main ingredients in both Vaseline and Aquaphor) is also what brands use to make perfume balms! Since Petroleum is an emollient (a greasy oil based substance used in skin products that heals dry skin and locks in moisture), it is perfect for holding fragrances!

  1. Do not rub your wrists together

Although it is common and impulsive for us to do at times , this actually makes the lasting time worse. Rubbing your wrists together breaks down the molecules in the fragrance causing the scent to disappear quickly!

  1.  Eau de Parfum instead of Eau de Toilette

You might always wonder what is the difference between these two perfume choices ? Well to inform you, Eau de Parfum has a higher fragrance concentration of 12%-18$ compared Eau de Toilette’s fragrance percentage of just 8%-12%. Eau de Toilette tends to be for those who want a lighter, subtle daytime or work scent while Eau de Parfum wearers prefer the date night, going out, or a stronger aroma that lasts during festivities.

  1. Spray on clothes, not just skin

Even though we prioritize the skin, the outerwear is just as important too. This layers the scent and makes it multi-dimensional. Scarves and Coats are also acceptable! Fabrics to avoid as they can stain or be too delicate are satin or silk. 

  1. Spray on hairbrush

When doing your hair, don’t forget about your hairbrush getting some love! Our hair plays a big part in our appearance so it definitely plays a big part in our smell too as our hair is super absorbant! This simple step can elevate your entire essence and have strangers smelling your aroma as you walk past them.

  1.  Store away from heat

Heat tends to degrade and deactivate the fragrance properties over time so make sure when storing your perfume to keep it away from anywhere humid,or sunlight. The average room temperature is acceptable for storing your fragrance products.

  1. Take showers daily

While this may be the norm for most, taking showers is key and the essential first step to smelling good. No matter how much perfume you use, if you do not clean the dirt off your body daily (especially in the summer), your natural body odor will overpower the fragrance! Using a body wash that mimics your fragrance is also very important to layer your scent!

  1. Do not shake perfume

Shaking perfume can cause oxygen to build up, losing its potency and shortening its life span. Keep the bottle in one place away from any rough movement.

  1. Spray before you go to bed

If your skin can handle lots of fragrance , spraying before you go to bed on your sheets or pajamas can increase your scent, and make your living area have the same cohesive smell as you.

  1. Invest in luxury products

             If you want to explore your options, but stay within your budget, invest in a luxury or higher end perfume once a year or on special occasions to layer with your everyday affordable mimicking perfume !

  1. Spray on your handbags and accessories

To be cohesive and smelling like a garden everyday, spray your fragrance on things outside of your skin, body, or clothing but are still a part of your outfit like your bags, or bracelets!

  1. Throw out old perfumes

Yes, perfumes do expire based on the chemical formulation and brand. Overtime they lose their value and strength. Throw out those old dusty bottles out you’ve been holding onto for years!

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