“Artworkism”-A CHIQIO-Philosophy

Photo by Agata Samulska via Unsplash. 

Chiqio, founded in Shanghai in 2020, is an art brand. Chiqio aims to craft products rooted in Artworkism, currently focusing on perfumes, and serves as a conduit for inspiration and dialogue, culminating in exceptional global cultural contributions.

Artworkism, as proposed by CHIQIO, is the ideology to “treat your life how an artist treats their masterpiece”. It is a belief that we live for our artwork; whatever we encounter in our lives, we serve them in the creation of our artwork. The philosophy encompasses two qualities: drawing inspiration from life and creating artwork. (Please read here for more on CHIQIO’s take on Artworkism.) 

In a world where the mundane often overshadows the magnificent, CHIQIO’s philosophy of “Artworkism” reminds us of the meticulous balance between drawing inspiration from life and creating art. This philosophy, rooted in the intersection of existence and creativity, invites us to pay attention to the beauty and nuances around us and channel that awareness into our chosen forms of creativity. 

Finding Inspiration in Everyday Moments 

For many of us, unlike the often unrelatable cultural icons, our inspiration comes from the ordinary moments that punctuate our days. It’s about caring for ourselves and being present here and now. This balance is vital. Personally, I find that life’s fleeting moments are precious, urging us to focus on the comings and goings that often go unnoticed as we get sucked into the rat race of modern life, fixated on screens and lost in the digital whirlwind. 

One way I ground myself is by taking a few minutes each morning to set my intentions for the day. This practice can be a powerful way to cultivate mindfulness and presence. For others, this might mean taking a quiet walk, engaging in a brief meditation, or simply enjoying a cup of coffee while people-watching. These small acts of awareness help us break free from the cycle of distraction and reconnect with our surroundings. 

Balancing Attention and Obsession 

However, it is crucial to recognise that paying attention does not mean obsessing over every detail. Whether dwelling on past mistakes or overthinking decisions, such as purchasing a new dress or choosing between too many pairs of shoes, it’s essential to step back and reflect. In these moments, I ask myself: “In the grand scheme of things, how much will this matter? How much joy will this bring me?” Reflecting on the significance of decisions helps me reassess how much energy I should devote to trivial tasks, allowing me to redirect my focus towards activities that bring genuine joy and creativity, like writing songs. 

Embracing Imperfection and Humanity 

Moreover, while we admire the masterpieces of great artists, it’s essential to remember that they, too, were human, grappling with their own struggles. The beauty of their art often conceals the turmoil behind it. Recognising this, we should be kind to ourselves and appreciate the beauty in our lives, imperfections and all. It’s a gentle reminder that our creative endeavours are part of a broader picture of human experience, whether small or grand. 

CHIQIO’s “Artworkism” resonates deeply with me because it emphasises a holistic approach to life and creativity. It’s about more than just creating art; it’s about living artfully. It encourages us to see beyond the surface, value the journey as much as the destination, and find inspiration in the ordinary and the extraordinary. 

A Closing Note 

To me, the philosophy of “Artworkism” is a call to balance, mindfulness, and compassion. It invites us to engage with life fully, draw inspiration from our surroundings, and create with intention and heart. By embracing this philosophy, we not only enhance our creative expressions but also enrich our lives, finding beauty and meaning in every moment.

Author: Zoe Lai (Guest Writer)

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