Artworkism: Illuminating the Human Experience

To me, Artworkism encapsulates what I want to truly live my life in pursuit of; creating art that manifests the multifaceted depth of life. When creating and consuming art, I use Artworkism with the intent to identify and curate art that holds meaning. To find meaning, and to create is my profound purpose. I believe that humans innately practice Artworkism through our entire course of existence. From youthful curiosity to elder wisdom, Artworkism is seamlessly integrated into our existence. 

Childhood and Adolescence

As a youngling, our artwork at elementary school mirrored how we perceived the world and the environment around us. We used bright and out-of-place colors to paint pictures with our imagination. We colored outside the lines because the act of perfectionism was not mastered at that age. We made the tentative decision to make the sky green and the grass blue because as a kid creativity knew no bounds. Artworkism as a child is drawing inspiration from the fluorescent ways life presents itself, without the pressures of the world. 

As we cross the bridge between teenage and adulthood, feelings are most intense during this time and in turn we interpret art in a more cultivating manner. Artworkism is achieved through human connection and creating art from experiences that prevail through this transition. As teenagers, we endure love, loss, longing and an array of other robust feelings. All of these feelings are coupled with the fear of uncertainty of what the future holds. Our 

cognitive functions during this period allow us to draw significant meaning from life, and create the most emotionally compelling art. During my teenage years, creating poetry from daily occurrences was my way of practicing Artworkism. 

Middle-life extension

By the time we have lived half of our lives, we start to develop a peculiar taste for the arts. We carefully choose what art to consume, and what to create. We draw inspiration from our lifelong favorite poets, authors, musicians and artists; and this influence is evident through the art we create. With age, Artworkism starts to become more personal and sentimental. The things we draw inspiration from contribute to the people we will forever be, the life we will continue to lead and the art we will share to move the world. As I grow up, I am gathering a collection of creators who will aid me in my lifelong pursuit of Artworkism. The artworks that inspire me, are a continuous ode to my life and my love for art. 

Older, Arter

The wisdom that comes with old age, allows us to practice Artworkism in its ultimate form. After we live a life filled with art, we start to become muses for other people’s Artworkism. Our lives start to become the inspiration for the people who love and know us the most. The stories we tell, the goals we achieve and the art we create will all contribute to the world of Artworkism. We will encourage people to create artwork with purpose, and their work will be a product of our lives. With age, the importance of Artworkism becomes more prevalent and we strive to create more. 

To live a life in pursuit of Artworkism, is to enrich your existence with profound artistry. 

Author: Mariama Jallow

Edited by CHIQIO

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