Artworkism: Harness the Energy around You

Artworkism is the philosophy of treating life as an artist treats their masterpiece, with care, criticism, and unconditional love. Everyone is an artist, as we all create in our own ways. Embracing creativity enhances our enjoyment of life and unifies people across boundaries. Artists thrive on change, travel, and observation, drawing inspiration from their surroundings to bring unique perspectives to their work. Living as an artist is a conscious decision, a practice of paying attention and recognizing beauty. Self-doubt is a natural part of the creative process and should be embraced. Artworkism emphasizes autonomy and the freedom to create without rules, celebrating what makes us unique.

What is Artworkism?

Artworkism is about treating your life the way an artist treats their masterpiece, with utmost care, sometimes an eye of criticism but always a feeling of unconditional love.

Who is an Artist?

Artist is anyone who creates!

As Rick Rubin in his book The Creative Way: A Way of Being states: Everyone is an artist. We all create things in our life. Embrace the act of creating and you will start enjoying life in a new way.

From some it’s a form of self expression and for others, it’s a reflection of their perspective on life. So subjective and personal and yet holds the power to unify people and communities, irrespective of any human-made boundaries — geographical, societal, mental, or cultural.

Harness The Energy Around You To Elevate Your Work

An artist loves to travel. This is because prolonged comfort makes them uncomfortable. It brings stagnancy which is contrary to the beautiful state of their mind. Minds that are always thinking unconventional, curiously crafting stories or critically questioning the doings of life.

Another reason they love travelling is to observe — the people, places, cultures, languages, and life. Interestingly, observing their surroundings makes them learn about themselves. This enables them to bring a unique and personalised perspective on life, which transcends through their artwork.

“To live as an artist is a way of being in the world. A way of perceiving. A practice of paying attention.” — Rick Rubin in The Creative Way: A Way of Being

It’s A Decision You Make

Does living like an artist come naturally to one or is it a skill to hone? Well, it is a practice to adopt or not engage in at all. For anyone who sees themselves any less of an artist — it’s nothing they can not learn. It’s a choice one makes every day. The creators make this conscious choice every day. The more time they invest in their ability to recognise beauty and learn life, the better they get at it.

As an artist moves through the creative process, doubting oneself is inevitable. Self doubt persists in all of us, and while we want it to go away, it is there to guide us. Instead of trying

to repress it, we should embrace it with open arms, lessening its energy. We are all different and so our art is different — even if self-doubt arises within us, our art should be able to reflect it, for that’s how we feel and who we are.

There is No Wrong Way. There Is Only Your Way.

The most beautiful part of Artworkism is the autonomy to take a break or stop if you want it anymore. It’s a way of life you adopt and also have the control to let go of.

Rules could be limiting for an artist. They can lead to suboptimal work and to be mediocre isn’t the goal. Artworkism has no rules but to create and enjoy the process of it. An artist doesn’t let any arbitrary rule kill their creativity. The goal is not to fit in. It is to amplify what makes us unique and what doesn’t fit in. It’s about developing our own voice, which makes us special.

Written by Shreya Raheja(Guest Writer)

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