How to get perfume out of clothes: Six methods to try

Written by Aurooj Khan

Edited by CHIQIO

Keywords: Perfume removal,Clothes odor elimination, Sunlight and fresh air, Baking soda, Vinegar solution

Meta description: Learn six proven techniques to eliminate perfume odor from clothing. From natural remedies like sunlight and baking soda to vinegar solutions, find easy ways to freshen your garments and remove unwanted fragrances.

Have you ever worried about your shirt smelling too strong from all the perfumes you have sprayed? Or is your shirt not allowing you to spray the perfume you want? It might also worry you in case the person next to you finds it too strong. Not to forget sometimes even your detergent can have a strong odor. Don’t worry though because we have plenty of ways to help solve your problems.

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Here are six methods to help get the perfume out of clothes:

Sunlight and fresh air: nature ways

Although this might be surprising to some, sunlight and fresh air can actually help a lot. Hang the clothes outside in an open space while it is directed towards the sun, and have the fresh air do it work as well. You will find that in just a few hours, the smell has almost completely vanished.

Baking soda: effective method to remove strong odors

Another way to help remove the smell is baking soda. Baking soda is always great at removing strong odors, including perfume’s smell. Create a mixture of water and baking soda and allow it to sit for around 20 minutes after rubbing it on the shirt using a sponge. Once done, rinse it carefully with water. It’s a great way to show how fast baking soda can absorb smell.

Vinegar: neutralizing odors

Vinegar can also be one of your options. To do that, mix vinegar and water equally into a spray bottle. Then, start spraying the solution onto the places of the shirt. Remember to leave it on for around 30 minutes and wash it off after. This can be helpful because of how vinegar is known to be quite useful at neutralizing odors. 

Soak clothes into solution

Instead of spraying the mixture of vinegar and water on the shirt, another way is to soak the shirt into the solution. Fill the sink or anything fitting you can find with lukewarm water and white vinegar, then soak the clothes fully into the mixture. Once it’s soaked for around 30 minutes, take it out and wash it like always. This is a great method for those who want to find a way for sensitive clothings.


I’m sure we have always heard of how useful lemon can be for things like this. Mix lemon juice and water equally and then gently massage it onto the clothes. Leave it for around 15 minutes and then wash it off. Lemon works wonders in eliminating strong smells.

Enzyme-based laundry detergent:final solution

If none of those were able to help you out, enzyme-based laundry detergent is the way to go. This detergent allows your clothes to break down the organic based compounds. By following the right instructions provided by the product, your clothes should smell as fresh as you first got them. Make sure to check it on other garments first though before using it on your important clothes.


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These are all the methods that can allow you to remove the perfume out of your clothes through different ways. Did you get to try them out? Were these methods able to help you out? If they were, then make sure to check our website out for more tips, updates, and recommendations that you have been looking for.

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