

  • Since its inception, Chiqio has aimed to attract and inspire like-minded art enthusiasts worldwide to create outstanding artworks together. The ideology of creationism has always been the brand concept and life attitude of Chiqio. Our team consists of designers, artists, writers, directors, photographers, painters, architects, and perfumers. The love for creation is the gene of Chiqio. We firmly believe in the power of creation and hope to pass on our love for life, freedom, creation, and art. Therefore, we have established the Chiqio Foundation and organized the Chiqio Creative Foundation Competition to let more people understand our brand and join us in practicing the concept of artworkism.

Competition Overview

  • Artworkism – Perfume Creative Writing Competition
  • This is a creative competition inspired by perfume stories. Participants will draw inspiration from any Chiqio fragrance (Mountain Rain or Forest Child) and create imaginative and compelling literary works based on clues such as the fragrance’s story concept, olfactory perception, and emotional experience (which can be supplemented by accompanying photographic images). Let our perfumes stimulate everyone’s hidden creative talents.
  • Works can be developed around the following themes but are not limited to:
    • Imaginations sparked by perfume experiences
    • Memories evoked by perfume stories
    • The intertwining of scent and emotion
    • The imagery of scenes and visuals associated with scent experiences
    • Reflections brought about by fragrance
    • And more…

Competition Rules

  • Participants may use any literary form for their creations, including but not limited to prose, poetry, short stories, etc.
  • Entries must be original works and not previously published in other competitions or platforms.
  • Entries must have a word count between 100-5000 words.
  • Works can be written in the participant’s native language but must be accompanied by an English translation.
  • Participants must indicate the title of the work and the author’s name at the beginning of the submission.
  • Entries may be supplemented with photographic images.
  • All AI-generated works will not be considered for the competition.
  • Participants are solely responsible for any legal or copyright issues arising from failure to comply with the competition rules, such as plagiarism, infringement, etc.


  • Best Work Award: 1 winner, $5000 prize (tax included)
  • Featured Work Awards: 20 winners, $1000 prize each (tax included)
  • Finalist Awards: 100 winners, Chiqio memorabilia

Judging Criteria

  • Creativity and imagination: The uniqueness and innovation of the work.
  • Emotional expression: Whether the work can evoke emotional resonance in the reader.
  • Language expression: The fluency, vividness, and infectiousness of the work’s language.
  • Narrative and structure: The clarity and coherence of the work’s narrative and structure.

How to Participate

  • · Participants must have purchased a 100ml bottle of Chiqio perfume (Mountain Rain or Forest Child) and have their order number.
  • · Email subject format: Chiqio Perfume Creative Writing Competition – Title of Work – Author’s Name – Order Number.
  • · Each person may only submit one work for the competition, with one order number corresponding to one valid participant.
  • · Participants must send their works in Word or PDF format to the competition committee’s designated email:

Submission Deadline

  • Entries must be submitted before the deadline of 23:59 pm Greenwich Mean Time on September 30, 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Organizing Institution

  • Chiqio Foundation

Additional Notes

  • Copyright of the entries remains with the authors, but the organizers have the right to publicly display, publish, and use the winning works after the competition.
  • The organizers reserve the right of final interpretation of the competition rules.
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