Am I Creative Enough For artworkism?

written by Sonia Vazquez

edited by CHIQIO

Key words: artworkism, creation

Photo by Dmitry Osipenko on Unsplash 

Life is serious and full of numbers and facts. Sometimes, we feel like we all live this life the same way. We are put in categories and conform to them until the end. We, human beings, have been following these steps for centuries. It seems easy to go along with it, so we do. But ever so often, our mundane lives are paused by someone who appears to see the world in a much more different way than ours. Much more colorful. They are free, creative, and geniuses, And it makes you wonder, “Why can’t I be like that?” “Why am I living in this box when others are outside of it?” “Why doesn’t my brain work like that?”. Well, I am here to tell you that it does. You just asking these questions convinces me it does. You just need to practice a little Artworkism.

What is Artworkism? 

What is Artworkism, you say? Artworkism is a philosophy proposed by Chiqio; ” It is a belief that we live for our artwork; whatever we encounter in our lives serves them in the creation of our artwork.” ; “Treat your life how an artist treats their masterpiece.” In other words, inspiration has no limits as long as we pay attention to the world around us. 

In the box mentality 

Still trying to figure it out? I’ll explain more: 

Have you ever been to a play and become emotional over a scene or by an actor’s words? If you have, you know it is a beautiful freeing, and overwhelming feeling. You have just been moved by art, and you feel so alive. What do you do with this feeling? Most of us just give in to it momentarily by crying and then get over it. But we should be introspecting at that very moment, letting it inspire us. That is where artworkism comes into play. 

You already have an artistic mind; don’t be shy, use it. 

Artworkism helps us understand that our lives are filled with art, and we can be constantly inspired daily if we allow it. We need to use our minds more artistically, even if we are still determining if we have the talent. Capturing a moment with a camera or writing a word that comes to mind during an experience could fuel our inner artist.

Photo by Kyle Head on Unsplash 

Using Artworkism 

Now that you know more, Let us return to our anecdote. You are overwhelmed with emotions after watching that play. Your reaction surprises and confuses you; perhaps the best way to understand these feelings is to write down everything about it. After introspection, you realize you were touched by this play because you have gone through something similar, and the actor perfectly portrayed your exact reaction and emotions. You decide to look more deeply into these feelings, and because of Artworkism, you try different art mediums to fully express these newfound feelings and ideas. You find out poetry is your calling. So you write a poem about it; perfect or not, it’s real and yours. You share it with your loved ones, and they are also moved. If you didn’t take the time to stop and introspect, your art wouldn’t have existed. That one poem you wrote can change someone’s life, just like that play did for you. 

Conclusion: Creativity comes when we are open to inspiration 

Living creatively doesn’t require you to be ‘special’ or a genius. It’s about allowing life to inspire you, whether writing a poem about unhealed trauma or painting a picture of an interaction you saw on a bus ride. Even taking photographs can be a fulfilling form of art. The trick is to believe in your creative potential and embrace the inspiration surrounding you. With the philosophy of Artworkism, you will see all experiences as an opportunity to step outside the box and live a more colorful life.

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