
Chiqio’s “Artworkism” goes beyond a mere marketing tagline. Our brand’s voice, philosophy, and core shape our approach to crafting our perfumes and customer experience. We fuse art with fragrances, allowing both to permeate our customers’ everyday lives. That is the ultimate goal of Chiqio, which is what “Artworkism” means to us. 

“Artworkism” stems from the word, “Artwork”. Drawing from the definition of the word, Chiqio gathers inspiration from the different elements in life. “Artworkism” reflects our artistic approach to capturing the essence of life experiences, and this is translated into the design of our perfume bottles and fragrances. They are meant to evoke emotions, trigger memories, and deliver experiences. 

Imagine sunlight dappling through the leaves, painting the forest floor in a mosaic of light. A young boy waddles through the cool stream, chasing the creatures swimming along. That is what “Forest Child”, one of our product offerings, aims to portray. “Mountain Rain” on the other hand, is the light, calming scent of the forest after the rain. Our belief in “Artworkism” is conveyed through our products, allowing our consumers to see how our everyday experiences are inspirations for our perfumes. Beyond the scents, the minimalist bottle designs are canvases for the olfactory experience within. The aesthetics of the product adds another layer to this artistic expression, further hinting at the emotions and experiences the scent is aimed to deliver. 

On top of this, “Artworkism” conveys the intentionality of picking up on various angles to view everything as art. This is our call for mindful living. It encourages all consumers to have the perceptiveness to appreciate the beauty hidden in everyday life. Only if one puts in the effort to view experiences from different angles, will one see the beauty in these experiences. Another interesting point is the fact that “art” is subjective. Our philosophy advocates for unique visions of certain experiences and translate this uniqueness into artworks that can be shared with others.

With the notion of sharing ideas with others, our vision is to also build a community that considers other artistic mediums, like photography, medium, writing, or any other creative outlets that allow individuals to translate their experiences into art. We advertise more than just our products, we value experiences, community, and passion. 

Chiqio’s “Artworkism” is a captivating concept that blurs the lines between sensory experiences and personal narrative. It encourages mindfulness, fosters a sense of community, and celebrates the transformative power of scent to deliver and appreciate experiences. To put it simply, Chiqio is focused on “Experience, Perceive, and Create”.

Author: Chia Wan Ting Jolene

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