Artworkism, the philosophy of Life

In the modern world, where the lines between art and everyday life are increasingly blurred, CHIQIO as a creative and innovative company has embraced a unique philosophy known as Artworkism. This concept is not just a marketing strategy but a holistic approach to living, creating, and appreciating the beauty in the mundane. Artworkism posits that life itself is a work of art, and by approaching our daily activities with creativity and mindfulness, we can transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, the key is in the way that we treat our life.

At its core, Artworkism is about perceiving life as an artist views a blank draft paper. From scratch, every moment, every interaction, every blink of eyes and every sensory change is an opportunity to create something beautiful and meaningful, to ourselves. This philosophy encourages individuals to cultivate an artistic mindset, where they are constantly seeking inspiration and finding new ways to express themselves, instead of being trapped in our own thought.

Artworkism is grounded in two fundamental principles: mindfulness and creativity. Mindfulness involves being present in the moment, fully engaging with our surroundings, and appreciating the details that often go unnoticed. Creativity, on the other hand, is about using our imagination to reframe our experiences and express our inner world.

To begin with, Mindfulness is the keystone of Artworkism. It involves a heightened awareness of our senses, thoughts, and emotions, allowing us to connect deeply with the present moment. By practicing mindfulness, we can find beauty in the world surrond us and transform our daily routines into meaningful rituals.

For instance, consider the simple act of brewing a cup of coffee. Instead of rushing through the process, Artworkism encourages us to savor each step: the sound of water boiling, the aroma of freshly ground beans, the warmth of the cup in our hands. By immersing ourselves in these sensory experiences, we elevate a routine activity into an art form. Use our imagination while everything is happening…

Moreover, the second essence of Artworkism is creativity. This principle encourages us to use our imagination to reinterpret our experiences and express our emotions. Creativity is not limited to traditional forms of art like painting or music; it can be applied to any aspect of life.

For example, a task like organizing a workspace can be approached creatively. Instead of merely tidying up, one can view it as an opportunity to design a space that reflects their personality and inspires productivity. Similarly, cooking a meal can become an artistic endeavor, where ingredients are chosen and combined with care, resulting in a dish that is both nourishing and visually appealing. That’s how everything can be done not only in a perfect, but also extraodinary way.

Most importantly, an essential aspect of Artworkism is the tolerance of imperfection. Just as every piece of art is unique and may have flaws, so too is life, nothing is perfect is the core. Embracing imperfection means acknowledging our mistakes and imperfections as part of our unique journey. Think in this way, if there is no imperfection, why would there be perfection? How would you know if something is perfect? Same goes to if nothing would be wrong, how would you define correctness? Therefore, Artworkism encourages us to see the beauty in the imperfect and to appreciate the process of creation as much as the final product.

In the end of our life, does our digits in the bank account matter? Or would you rather enjoy yourselves the most throughout this journey? This is a question that people nowadays need to ask themselves all the time.

Author: Ruocheng Zhao

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