Exclusive Look: If Disney’s Tuck Everlasting was a Luxurious Perfume


Edited by CHIQIO

Key words: perfume, luxurious perfume

Image from Tuck Everlasting film (2002) 

An exclusive insight into CHIQIO Forest Child perfume’s earthy, fresh, and enchanting notes will remind you of Disney’s Tuck Everlasting. 

Summary of Disney’s Tuck Everlasting 

Based on a novel by Natalie Babbitt from 1975, Tuck Everlasting is a romantic and fantasy Disney film directed by Jay Russel. The 2002 film is about Winnie Foster running off to the forest where she meets Jesse Tuck. She discovers him drinking water from the spring by a tree with a trunk carved with the first letter initials of Tuck. She was curious about the spring water in the forest but Jesse Tuck did not want to reveal the secret at first to Winnie. Eventually, Jesse Tuck tells Winnie Foster that if anyone drinks from the spring then they will never age and live forever. Jesse Tuck and his family discovered the spring when he was 17 years old but, after drinking the water and many years have passed, the spring kept Jesse Tuck and his family alive for over 104 years. Then, Winnie Foster and Jesse Tuck explore the forest together learning about each other and slowly falling in love. Jesse Tuck tells Winnie Foster to drink from the spring so that they can live forever and never age together. However, she was warned by Jesse Tuck’s father about the dangers of living an immortal life. Thus, Winnie Foster decides to not drink from the spring water and live her life without having to fear death and accept the life that she is given.

Image from Tuck Everlasting film (2002) 

How does CHIQIO’s Forest Child remind you of Disney’s Tuck Everlasting? 

From the fresh, enchanting, and earthy notes, Forest Child captures the essence of someone curiously exploring a lush and mossy forest after a rainfall. For instance, according to CHIQIO, the luxurious perfume inspiration was “a pure young boy playing in the forest stream.” The perfume perfectly captures the inspiration within the perfume bottle which holds a woody chypre scent. In addition, the shape and color of the perfume bottle ultimately encapsulates the concept of a lush forest with its sleek dark green bottle, unique wooden cap, and a hollow carving label in the front. The luxurious perfume flawlessly reminds you of Disney’s Tuck Everlasting because a spritz of the long lasting perfume’s notes will take you into a journey of exploring a vast green forest and becoming one with nature. Thus, the irresistible scent wonderfully resembles the concept of feeling forever young and walking deep into the mossy forest like the plot of Tuck Everlasting. 

Image from Tuck Everlasting film (2002)

Overall, Forest Child perfectly describes the essence of a person wandering a luscious forest with dewdrops hanging from the ends of each leaf. The luxurious perfume perfectly captures the plot of Tuck Everlasting into a signature woody chypre scent where you can feel young forever while being engulfed by nature. Let the scent pull you into an enchanting scene of Disney’s Tuck Everlasting by purchasing your own 100ml perfume bottle by CHIQIO. Would you wear CHIQIO’s Forest Child after watching Tuck Everlasting?

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