How to Get Perfume Out of Clothes: 6 Methods to Try

As a fragrance enthusiast, I understand the importance of finding the perfect scent and how sometimes it can linger longer than desired on clothes. Whether it’s an accidental over-spritz or a scent that’s not your style, removing perfume from garments is a skill worth mastering. Here are five effective methods to eliminate unwanted perfume from your clothing, including tips for handling dry clean only items.

1. Vinegar Wash Vinegar is a versatile and eco-friendly cleaning agent, ideal for removing scents from clothes.

  • Ensure Garments Are Dry: Start with dry clothing to prevent moisture from affecting the cleaning process.
  • Add Vinegar to Wash: Use about 240 mL of vinegar in place of detergent.
  • Normal Wash Cycle: Wash as usual, and consider using a scented or unscented dryer sheet for a fresh scent post-wash.
  • Dry Completely: Make sure clothes are fully dried to avoid musty smells.

2. Outdoor Air-Out Sometimes, fresh air and sunlight can naturally eliminate odors.

  • Hang Clothes Outside: Ensure garments don’t get wet from morning dew.

3. Hand Wash with Castile Soap Castile soap is a gentle, eco-friendly detergent.

  • Prepare Dry Clothes: Start with dry garments.
  • Dilute Castile Soap: Add 4-5 drops of Castile soap to a bucket of water.
  • Hand Wash with Warm Water: Soak and swish clothes for effective cleaning.
  • Dry Outside: Sun and heat can enhance the soap’s effectiveness.

4. Traditional Laundry Detergent and Booster A conventional wash can be effective, especially when combined with a scent booster like baking soda.

  • Add Detergent and Booster: Use your usual detergent with a booster for extra strength.
  • Warm Water Wash: This helps release the detergent’s power.
  • Sun-Dry: The sun can help eliminate remaining scents.

5. Lemon Juice and Water Mix Lemon juice, with its natural acidity, can refresh clothes.

  • Create Lemon Solution: Mix equal parts lemon juice and water.
  • Spray and Scrub: Apply to the scented areas and gently brush.
  • Dry Outside: Best for dark or old clothes to avoid lightening fabric.

For Dry Clean Only Clothes:

  • Sun Exposure: Leave the garment in the sun for 24 hours.
  • Enclosed Space: Place in a box or wardrobe.
  • Use a Scent Absorber: Add crumpled newspaper or baking soda to neutralize odors.
  • Leave for 72 Hours: Allow ample time for the scent to be absorbed.

Perfumes and body powders are fantastic for enhancing an outfit, but knowing how to remove their scents from clothes is equally important. Whether you use household items like vinegar and lemon juice or rely on traditional washing methods, these techniques ensure that your garments are always ready for your next fragrance choice. Remember to check out the latest fragrances, and don’t worry about overdoing it – with these tips, you’re well-equipped to handle any scent mishaps.

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