London: The Great City of the United Kingdom

Written by Samuel Zhang

Edited by CHIQIO

Keywords: London, diversity, history, culture, fragrance

Meta description: Explore the vibrant essence of London through its diverse scents, historical landmarks, and cultural fusion. Discover a unique fragrance that captures the city’s classiness, diversity, and welcoming atmosphere.

London Impression

At the heart of the United Kingdom lies its capital city of London; out of all the cities that I have visited, London has left the greatest impact on my life. The character of the city encapsulates the historical achievements of the United kingdom, along with the evolving culture of Britain. 

I feel that the scent of London is incredibly diverse, as each portion of London captures a different culture. This attribute of London deeply impacted me, as I understood the importance of social diversity in the capital, whilst also understanding its significance as a historical city to the United Kingdom. The parts of London which strongly connect to traditional British culture remind me of Roses and Chelsea flowers. 

The flowery scent permeates through the air, creating this sense of comfort in the urban city. For the more diverse sections of London, this attribute is then combined with other cultures. For example, I feel that Chinatown creates a unique sensation as it provides a combination of Chinese culture with traditional British culture. The gentleness of British culture contrasts heavily with the strong usage of spices brought by Chinese, but yet rather than conflicting the cultures connect together, and allow the person to understand the significance of diversity in London. 

Historical significance 

One important attribute of London is that its composition is a reflection of its history. Given the legacy of the British empire, and its success in industrialisation, I feel that the metallic smell captures the scent of london. I personally resonate with this feeling towards London, especially during my first visit on the famous tower bridge. The landmark impressed me with its composition and its intricate design. Upon entering inside I could imagine myself during its first grand opening. With its Neo Gothic design, it gives visitors the experience of Victorian England. For this reason, I feel that a metallic smell would capture how I feel about London. 

To contrast with this classical architecture there is Chinatown, which has created a distinct identity through the combination of Chinese and British culture. It serves as a representation of London’s diversity and welcoming atmosphere. The majority of restaurants took inspiration from Hong Kong, which once again heralds much of its cultural attributes to Britain. I feel that London is a place that allows its visitors, regardless of their background, to feel at home. Chinatown serves as a great example of London’s diversity, and so the scent of London cannot simply describe one certain experience, as it wouldn’t capture the essence of London. 

What perfume would I design for London?

If I were to design a fragrance that could truly capture the feelings and experience of entering through london. I feel that the perfume must be capable of illustrating a story, it should be able to allow someone to understand the classiness of London, and the financial success that comes with being part of this Grand City. 

The scent of London 

For the top note I would initially have the fragrance dress its user in a metallic smell, I feel that with this scent it will allow people to understand the success of the United Kingdom, and high standards of living that come with living in the country. The classiness of London is an important aspect of its identity, and I believe that ingredients such as Vanilla would capture this aspect well. The creamy and woody smell from Vanilla is an attractive attribute, and I feel that this comfort fits well with the classiness of London. The use of floral fragrance could further heighten this feeling, making use of roses provides a sense of fruitiness that strengthens the experience upon being used. 

Middle notes would include a sense of spiciness. I feel that this aspect is important to establish the diversity of london. One of London’s greatest attributes would be the diverse amounts of culture surrounding the city, as the city serves as a financial hub it attracts many people leading to a mixture of cultures. I believe that the spiciness will heavily contrast with the coldness from the metallic smell, and that both in the short term and long term, London’s attributes can be effectively emulated. A mixture of citrus fruits and the uses of other spices (figure out the name for these later) should be incorporated to highlight the diversity of London, and how this creates a unique environment. Peppercorns would also enhance this scent of spiciness, with its sharpness and rosy overtones. I feel that these ingredients ensure that users understand the importance of diversity in London. But also I believe that these ingredients create a sense of comfort and warmth, which corresponds with the high level of energy and excitement that visitors get upon visiting London. 

For its bottom notes, I believe that the scent should capture pure warmth, to highlight that despite London’s vast range of culture, it always provides a welcoming atmosphere. The scent should replicate charcoal and woody scent, I think Rosemary and Sage could provide this desirable scent. Overall I feel that these attributes will highlight the scent of London and how unique it is as a city. 

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