My Personal Interpretation ofArtworkism

Artworkism truly reflects a philosophy that I have gone by my entire life without ever assigning a term to it. The idea is to treat life from an artistic standpoint and take whatever comes your way as a catalyst for inspiration. In some ways, artworkism can be seen as a more artistic way of seeing the beauty in life and what can come from observing said beauty. CHIQIO does so much more as a company than simply sell perfume. It also does its part in drawing awareness to the importance of preserving everyday creativity and exploring your identity through creation. 

Personally, as someone who has always had a passion for the arts and is constantly drawing or painting in my free time, I find that artworkism shows in ways that you would least expect. Just the other day, I went shopping around my local town to find saline wound wash. It proved to be a difficult task, and I had to make multiple trips to multiple stores trying to find such a simple product. When all was said and done, I purchased the saline wound wash and left the store to see a gorgeous sunset with the moon at its peak. My journey to finding saline wound wash led me to be able to see something so simplistically beautiful that I plan on painting next when I find the time. Creativity turns up in the most mysterious ways. Artworkism reflects the ability to turn any mundane, everyday situation into something that can serve as inspiration for the artwork we create in life. 

I interpret artworkism as a positive shift of focus in life. As the world becomes more and more technologically advanced, the pure, humanistically beautiful attributes of life have become watered down. Many people do not “stop to smell the flowers,” as they say. CHIQIO’s focus on seeing how our day-to-day lives can drive our passions is a beautiful way of going about our lives. Artworkism rewards those who take a breather and see the hidden gems in the sadness, happiness, and even monotony of life. 

One can take a heartbreakingly tragic experience from their life and turn it into something great. Vincent Van Gogh is my favorite traditional artist. While that doesn’t sound necessarily special considering he is probably a lot of people’s favorite artist, what I admire most about his artwork is how he was often able to turn his turmoil into beauty that would be remembered until the end of time. Van Gogh often battled with his own mind to seize control and calm his thoughts. Despite the difficulties he may have endured throughout his lifetime, his artwork is one of, if not the most, renowned today. Artists like him who take their lives and what they see around them to create something beautiful are what power the very concept of artworkism. 

Now that I have learned from CHIQIO a greater understanding of something I have been living by, I feel that I’m going to make more of a conscious effort to see more opportunities in which I can create my art. Maybe I’ll take more days for myself to explore the city I grew up in and sketch what I see. Maybe now I’ll take more pictures with the intention of turning them into future paintings. This philosophy behind artworkism is one that keeps you engaged with your surroundings and does so much more than what it intends to.

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