Perfume and Me: A Symphony of Scent

Written by Eliza Lauga

Edited by CHIQIO

Keywords: Perfume, scent, memory

Perfume and me, me and perfume—perhaps it’s just us? To take perfume away from me is to take away my scent for the day, the mood that lingers on me and within me.

Every individual dresses how they want, whether in an ordinary floral dress or an elegant evening gown adorned with rhinestones. People show the world how they wish to be seen, be it with confident strides or hesitant tiptoes. As Jean-Claude Ellena once said, “Perfume is a mark of female identity and the final touch of her style.” You just have to finish the outfit with perfume, don’t you?

pair of gold-colored earrings on table and black ankle-strap pumps on area rug

The Essence of Perfume in Daily Life

Perfume is an integral part of my life. It’s more than just a fragrance; it’s a reflection of my identity, an extension of my personality. Every spritz tells a story, whispers a secret, and reveals a part of me that words cannot express. As Christian Dior eloquently put it, “A woman’s perfume tells more about her than her handwriting.” Honestly? It’s a good thing perfume tell more than handwritting, because my handwritting? I rather not talk about it…

The ritual of applying perfume each morning is sacred. It’s a moment of self-care, a pause in the rush of the day where I connect with myself. Esteé Lauder captured this sentiment perfectly: “Perfume is like a new dress, it makes you quite simply marvelous.”

The Impact of Scent

Fragrance has a profound impact on our emotions and memories. The right scent can transport you to another time and place, evoke forgotten memories, or uplift your spirits. Elizabeth Taylor understood this deeply, stating, “The beauty of fragrance is that it speaks to your heart… and hopefully someone else’s.”

In a world where we express ourselves through fashion, perfume is the invisible accessory that completes the look. It’s the final flourish that makes an ensemble truly yours. Without it, something essential is missing.

clear glass perfume bottle on black box

Perfume: A Daily Essential

For me, choosing a perfume each day is akin to choosing my armor. It prepares me to face the world, gives me confidence, and makes me feel complete. Perfume and me, we are inseparable. It’s not just about smelling good; it’s about feeling good and presenting the best version of myself to the world.

As Jean-Claude Ellena wisely noted, “Perfume is a mark of female identity and the final touch of her style.” This quote encapsulates the essence of why perfume is an essential part of my day. It’s the finishing touch that makes me, me, or rather that makes us, us. 

The Power of Scent Memory

One of the most magical aspects of perfume is its ability to evoke memories and emotions. A whiff of a familiar scent can instantly transport you back to a cherished moment or bring a loved one to mind. This phenomenon is beautifully captured by Salvador Dalí’s words: “Of the five senses, smell is the one that best conveys a sense of immortality.”

Perfume has been a constant companion throughout my life, marking significant events and everyday moments alike. The scent of roses might remind me of a summer day in the garden, while a hint of vanilla can bring back cozy winter evenings by the fireplace. These scent memories are like invisible threads weaving through the tapestry of my life.

Choosing the Right Fragrance

Selecting a perfume is a deeply personal choice. It’s about finding a scent that resonates with your spirit and complements your personality. This process involves a blend of intuition and exploration, much like finding your unique style in fashion. 

I remember the first time I found my signature scent. It felt like discovering a missing piece of myself, something that perfectly aligned with my inner essence. Wearing it gave me an inexplicable sense of completeness and confidence. As Giorgio Armani said, “Perfume is the key to our memories.”

Perfume and Self-Expression

Perfume is an art form, a way to express who you are without saying a word. Each fragrance note—from the fresh top notes to the lingering base notes—contributes to a unique olfactory signature that is unmistakably yours. This silent form of self-expression speaks volumes, often more eloquently than words could.

When I choose a perfume for the day, I consider not just the scent, but what it represents. Am I feeling bold and adventurous? A spicy, woody fragrance might be in order. Seeking calm and serenity? A light, floral scent could be the perfect choice. This daily ritual allows me to set the tone for my day and express my mood and aspirations.

clear glass perfume bottle on white printer paper

To Sum Up: The Inseparable Bond

In the end, perfume and I are inseparable. As I move through the world, my fragrance lingers, leaving an indelible impression and connecting me to those around me.

The final touch of my style, the invisible accessory that completes my look, perfume is an essential part of who I am. As I spritz my favorite scent each morning, I am reminded of Jean-Claude Ellena’s wisdom: “Perfume is a mark of female identity and the final touch of her style.”

So, whether you are dressing up for a special occasion or simply preparing for another day, don’t forget the power of perfume. It’s more than just a fragrance; it’s a reflection of your identity, a keeper of memories, and a source of confidence and joy. Embrace it, cherish it, and let it be the final flourish that makes your day truly special.


By sharing these reflections and quotes, I hope to inspire you to explore the world of perfume and discover the scents that resonate with you. 

Tips for Incorporating Perfume into Your Daily Routine

  1. Start with a Signature Scent: Find a fragrance that truly speaks to you and makes you feel your best.
  2. Layer Your Scents: Use complementary scented products like body lotions and oils to enhance the longevity of your perfume.
  3. Apply Strategically: Focus on pulse points such as wrists, neck, and behind the ears where the skin is warmest.
  4. Refresh Throughout the Day: Carry a travel-size bottle of your perfume for touch-ups to keep your scent fresh.

Remember, perfume is not just about smelling good; it’s about feeling great and expressing who you are. Embrace the power of fragrance and let it be an essential part of your daily life.

FOOTNOTE: all the pictures are taken from and are free licence.

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