Perfume Journey: The history of scent 

written by Katalina Rico

edited by CHIQIO

key words: perfume, scent, history

Perfume, a timeless symbol of luxury and elegance with more than 4,000 years of history. Although  nowadays we wear perfume to please others and smell good in public events it has not always been like  that. There is a long history behind the perfume we normally wear every day. 

In ancient times, perfume was considered exclusive and burned during religious ceremonies and rituals  as a way of demonstrating status and relevance in society. Some fragrances were even presented as a  symbol of loyalty and wealth.  

Ancient beginnings 

The journey of perfume started more than 4,000 years ago in Mesopotamia, which was made by a  woman called Tapputi according to the stories found on a clay tablet from Mesopotamia, indicating the  beginning of perfume in the history. These early perfumes were elaborated with natural ingredients such  as flowers, wood, roots, oil, spices, and balsam, among other combinations.  

Egyptian legacy 

Mythologically the fragrance had a significant value for Egypt. At this time the perfume was extracted  from herbs and plants through the enfleurage process, which was developed around 2,600 BCE. Mainly  from flowers and used in religious ceremonies and rituals. Egyptians dedicated perfumes to their gods as  a sacred symbol of gratitude and admiration, praying for divine guidance and support. Oils and perfumes  were also utilized in funerals, as a result, the body is considered clean and protected to honour the  deceased and his actions. 

Ancient Rome 

The Greeks played a vital role in the development of perfume since during this time it turned a different  view from before. During this time perfumes were made with oils, fatty parts, and bitter almond oil. The  usage of perfume was mostly for festivities and personal care in daily life, being used basically in almost 

every event from marriage to death ceremonies. The elaboration involved different extraction methods  and blending techniques to create the scents, being soaked in water or wine. 

Medieval usage 

During this time the usage of perfumes declined due to the concept of paganism. Nonetheless, crusades  in Europe had an opposite form of interpretation, which was focused mostly on nobles and how personal  hygiene became complicated in terms of staff and time. For this reason, perfumery had an important  place during this time in Europe. 

Modern adoption 

The 17th century in Europe marked the beginning of modern perfume in France, where solid perfumes  were replaced by liquid ones. Synthetic compounds and chemicals were incorporated into perfumes,  revolutionizing history like ever before. As a result, perfumes turned out to be more affordable, used and  varied in the industry. Furthermore, perfumes have a wide variety of types both natural and synthetic to  create unique fragrances in the market for all preferences.

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