Scent Memories

Written by Victoria Lin

Edited by Chiqio

Keywords: scent memories, perfume, Fragrance

Perfume has always been more than just a pleasant scent to me. It’s a time machine, a mood enhancer, and a form of self-expression all rolled into one making who I am. From my earliest memories to my daily routines, fragrances have played a significant role in shaping my experiences and identity.

The Power of Scent Memory

Our sense of smell is intimately linked with memory and emotion. This connection is something I have experienced firsthand. The crisp, green scent of Chanel No. 19 instantly transports me to my grandmother’s dressing table, where I watch her get all dolled up for an evening outing. A whiff of vanilla and patchouli takes me back to my college days, reminding me of my late-night study sessions with sweet treats keeping me up late and the excitement of new beginnings.

These olfactory flashbacks aren’t just nostalgia – they’re backed by science. Research has shown that scent memories are often more vivid and emotional than those triggered by other senses. This is due to the proximity of the olfactory bulb to the amygdala and hippocampus, brain areas involved in emotion and memory.

(Xochitl Garcia/Shutterstock)

Perfume as a Mood Enhancer

Beyond its ability to evoke memories, I have found perfume to be a powerful tool for influencing my mood and mindset. On days when I need an extra boost of confidence, I reach for a bold, spicy fragrance. The warm notes of cinnamon and amber wrap me in invisible armor, helping me face challenging situations with poise.

For relaxation, I turn to softer, more soothing scents. Lavender and chamomile fragrances have become part of my bedtime routine, signaling to my body and mind that it’s time to unwind and just relax my mind. 

(Amy Treasure/Unsplash)

Fragrance as Self-Expression

Much like we dress ourselves to express our personality and style, I find perfume is an extension of one’s brand. I’ve had a fragrance wardrobe that has spanned years and changed the way I live and my sense of self. Definitely, as a teenager, I was into those sweet, fruity fragrances that smelled young and free. Now, in my professional life, I have grown to find myself embracing more sophisticated, complex fragrances that project confidence and competence.

Layering different perfumes has been an art unto itself. Combining the right scents allows me to create something unique to my signature, self-exclusively mine. This is way beyond smelling good; it’s the invisible aura that defines personality.


The Ethics and Sustainability of Fragrance

Perfume has become a part of my identity, and with it, my love for fragrance gradually increased. Through this journey, I have become more conscious of the industry’s environmental and ethical impacts. So many common perfumes are sustained by synthetic ingredients and by-products from animals. Because of this realization, I had been propelled toward natural and cruelty-free alternatives: seeking to maintain my passion according to my values.

Through my search, I’ve found some niche perfumers who lead by focusing on sustainable and ethical sourcing. Very often inside these small-batch fragrances lies a story that speaks to me of smell and the people and places that are behind the smells. This mindful approach toward perfume opens a new meaning in my fragrance journey.

To me, perfume means so much more than the finishing touch to an outfit. On the contrary, it is like this constant companion that subtly enriches everyday experiences in such a deep, deep way. Starting from recalling treasured memories and elevating my mood to becoming a nurturer of self-identity, fragrance has become part of how I find my way in the world.

From here, testing this infinite universe of smells opens itself to endless possibilities for discovery and expression. Finding a new signature scent or reconstructing one that was loved from my past, perfume, to me, is all about joy, comfort, and inspiration.

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