Scented Memories: How Fragrances Define My Life and Yours

Written by Austin Haggard

Edited by CHIQIO

Keywords: fragrance memories, personal scents, nostalgia and perfumes, fragrance marketing, scent and lifestyle

Meta Description: Explore the profound role of fragrances in personal memories and everyday life, from nostalgia-triggering scents to the strategic marketing of perfume as a lifestyle choice.

The Power of Scented Memories

Fragrances play an integral role in my life. During my first year of college, I had a bottle of cologne on my dresser. The bottle fell onto the hard concrete floor and shattered, creating a strong scent of sandalwood and ocean breeze. To this day, these scents hold strong nostalgia, of being 17, in a new city, with new friends and a completely new life.

Fragrances can often signify change and have memories associated with them. For example, moving to a new city with a particular scent can hold nostalgia. When one has a “signature” scent, once they change scents and do not smell a particular perfume for a while, they can associate these scents with changes in their lives. 

Can some perfumes suddenly remind you of old memories and some persons? -  Quora

Perfume is present in my day to day life. I use fragrance daily, for personal care, room spray, smelling fragrances in cleaning products, etc. Me and my friends find pleasure in going to beauty stores and smelling different scents, associating each scent with a niche scenario. Companies can capitalize on both nostalgia as “trends” to effectively market their perfumes to customers. When companies are able to create a story behind their products, these products seem more “real” and “relatable” to customers, invoking emotions on nostalgia, as well as current seasons. For example, more “earthy” scents may be used during the fall season, whereas sweeter scents can be displayed during the winter holiday times, allowing for individuals to purchase scents related to the occasion as well as feel in the “spirit’.

Creating Atmospheres: The Role of Fragrance in Lifestyle Branding

So, how are these environments cultivated? Brands use a variety of different methods – Packaging, marketing, display cases, atmosphere of store, placing similar items near each other, etc. to really create an atmosphere for their products. Brands want to create a lifestyle image for their products, showcasing the aesthetic, imagery, and allowing the consumer to view the product as something that will help them achieve this lifestyle. Fragrances are particularly effective at this, as the customer will use the fragrance and smell it on themselves all day. 

Fragrances are one of the best products to invoke an atmosphere and idealized lifestyle for a consumer, as the customer can ultimately decide on what type of “lifestyle” they want to portray and present themselves in each day. Coconut and tropical scents can be used to create an atmosphere of a “beach goer”, whereas mistletoe, vanilla, and caramels can create a “cozy, holiday spirit” aesthetic. These scents both capitalize on different seasons as well as trends. For example, a recent trend on Tiktok, being a “clean girl”, can be used by brands to create fresher, more clean smelling fragrances, capitalizing on the craze of presenting oneself as clean and put together. 

Brands use atmospheric creation to create a vibe both on the shelves as well as in the general store. Certain brands are known for spraying their signature scent on clothing racks and around the store, making sure the scent is always lingering and present. This can be seen in theme parks as well: The Incredicoaster at Disneyland California Adventure pumps in fresh cookie scents at the top of the highest drop, consistent with the theming of the ride. While exiting the ride, there is a cookie cart outside. These scents, while subtle, are planned with a lot of thought, to maximize guest experiences and in turn, profits. Pixar Pier preview: What it's like to ride the Incredicoaster at Disney  California Adventure – Orange County Register

At the top of the hill, cookie scents are pumped in while there is a scene of Mr. Incredible handing a cookie to Jack-Jack.

Final Thoughts

Getting a new perfume is always exciting, and it is exciting to use these new fragrances, to elevate your look as well as the lifestyle you are trying to portray. Being able to recognise the effort that companies put into creating this aesthetic is part of the fun!

Photo sources: 

Jason Rodgers 

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