rituals car perfume

This is just how to increase your emotions with the power of fragrance

From feelings of confidence to convenience, this is the smart means to utilize fragrance to strengthen your mood

Greater than simply an aromatic accessory, fragrance has the power to change or heighten our emotions. Did you recognize that 75% of human feelings are based on what we smell, as opposed to what we see or hear? In our minds, fragrance is processed in the olfactory bulb and that information is handed down to the limbic system, including the amygdala – an area that handles emotions. We additionally know that scent has a bearing on the hippocampus region, where memories are refined and also stored. This explains why some scents can so viscerally transport us back in time to poignant or valuable moments – childhood years vacations at the beachfront, weekends invested with grandparents or our wedding day.

This garrison that scent has more than us is partially why firms currently use fragrance to attract customers in. Whether it’s an energising aroma being drained of a shop entryway where they desire you to go shopping ’til you drop, or a wonderful, reassuring indoor fragrance wafting with the function of a luxury hotel, the power of scent is all over.

So, if brands are utilizing fragrance to make us act a specific means, why not make use of aroma to create the feelings you truly wish to feel? From certain to comforted, we have gathered the positive emotions we could all do with improving every now and then as well as how to do it with an easy spritz.


We all know that lavender is a go-to when you need to relax, that’s why it features in our The Ritual of Jing pillow mist. But did you know that marine notes, inspired by the sea have a relaxing effect on us too? Water has long been known to calm us and aquatic fragrances, that conjure visions of free-flowing waves, trickling streams and crystal-clear waters, are the perfect go-to when you want to chill out. We have two water-inspired fragrances to choose from: Bleu Byzantin and Océan Infini.


Vanilla is comforting, studies prove it, but we also know that just from experience. Vanilla is the flavour we are often drawn to as children when we’re offered an ice cream cone and its tell-tale sweet taste can even be detected in breast milk. In fact, sweet and creamy aromas like chocolate and caramel all have a comforting role. Rêve de Hanami has a dry down of subtle vanilla.

However, not everyone loves a sweet perfume. Other times of comfort are in the bath or when we slide into fresh, clean sheets, which could explain why soapy scents also lend a sensorial hug of comfort. The Ritual of Karma body mist with white tea and lotus flower has a wonderful fresh scent.


Nothing energises body and mind quite like citrus. Whether it’s lemon, orange or grapefruit, a zesty fragrance will help you kickstart your day or mist away that 4pm slump (no nap required). Keep The Ritual of Mehr sparkling hair & body mist close at hand for when you need a pick-me-up. Beyond citrus, refreshing mint also has the power to boost your mood and give you that oomph you need.


Scent has the power to manipulate and ignite our emotions. From the beachy suncream scent associated with a holiday to the perfume your mother wore when you were a child, we often relate scent directly to a memory or a moment in time. Dr Rachel Hertz examines in her book The Scent of Desire. (HarperCollins, 2007) how “scents can alter our emotions and moods more than any other sensory experience”. This due to “the unique connection in the brain where scent, emotion, memories and associations are processed”.  

Want to create new emotions through scent? Patchouli is both earthy and sweet, making it a distinctive and unforgettable aroma. For a genderless fragrance to bottle your memories, you could opt for a perfume with green patchouli with an aroma that is as unforgettable as it is sensual. Discover our Oasis Verte eau de parfum.


Since fragrance is so closely linked to emotions and memories, often the perfumes that make us feel truly happy are personal to us. It could be the scent of fig because it reminds you of an amazing holiday in the Mediterranean or of rose because your friend who always makes you laugh wears it. Want a joyful boost? Our fragrance Soleil d’Or is part of The Ritual of Karma collection that celebrates summer year-round and is inspired by that holiday feeling – guaranteed to make you smile.

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