What is Artworkism?A philosophy and indie experience

Artworkism can be considered a philosophy, it should be regarded as how one could perceive their own life. I believe that artworkism can be used as a motivation tool to benefit one’s own personal life, because by viewing life in a similar vein to an artwork, it gives them more reasoning to then self-improve and create their own fantastical artwork in the form of their life. 

Life as a Work of Art: Embracing the Philosophy of Artworkism

The comparison between an artwork and life is especially prominent when considering that with every improvement one makes in life, it requires an extraordinary amount of effort, and despite this the short term changes will initially seem miniscule. But another key aspect of artworks is that it has multiple components, this aspect should be held similarly to life. As people grow up, they gradually learn more about how the world functions, and those who lack experience will initially struggle to face the hardships that the world will thrust onto them. 

Similarly an artist will struggle to demonstrate their creativity as their skills remain limited and therefore they cannot convey their message efficiently. This shows how artworkism should be viewed as a philosophy of life, because by viewing life as an artwork, people will then be encouraged to perfect every aspect; no artist is content with how their art looks, instead they strive to better themselves continuously, and through this philosophy one’s own style of life gradually changes as well.

The Balance of Life: Lessons from Art and Design

Life is not just about one’s own work, life is not just about one’s own friendships and accomplishments, rather it is composed of multiple attributes that then accumulate to become one’s own life. When people looking into an artwork, they see multiple colours, then when they look even deeper,  see multiple shades of the same colour. Each individual is an accumulation of their experience and environment, how they have been nurtured will shape how they view the world and how they interact with it. I feel this comparison is especially noticeable when you consider the unhealthiness of one aspect of life dominating the other. When people completely sacrifice their social lives for their work, generally it leads to negative consequences that whilst may provide short term benefits, it will ultimately damage them in the long term. Therefore balance is required, like every artwork, one aspect cannot dominate the rest, because by ignoring those aspects you then ruin the entire artwork. For the machine to work, every component must be functional. Compare this with every product that has been created. Electronic devices did not surface their shapes through the ability of one individual, but instead the result of countless amounts of trial and error. The Nintendo DS even after release, received multiple variations that improved the original model’s functions.

The Subjectivity of Art and Life: Embracing Diverse Perspectives and Values

Another thing to consider is that art is subjective, what is considered beautiful and what is considered ugly is dependent on the taste of the individual. I feel that this can be seen in the different perspectives that each person takes in life. When knowing that life is short, some people use this time to partake in as many events as possible to ensure that their life was an experienced one, others view this as a motivation to then become the best version of themselves as they want to be content with the course of their life until the end. So I think that artworkism can then also be used to understand how different people have different values in life; no artwork is the same, each of us have our own minds. 

Author: Samuel Zhang

Edited by CHIQIO

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